I still remember the moment I knew that I could live in Alabama.

My husband Jonathan and I were visiting the Southern town where we live now, walking hand in hand past the elegant public library.

Not much was happening on the outside, but from within a simple knowing arose: I could walk to this library. This could be our hometown. We could live here and be happy.

Now, Alabama was NOT part of my plan. I grew up in New Jersey, went to college in New York, and moved to DC after graduation.

I was used to traffic, parallel parking, and keeping a close eye on my purse. But there was something about this town that spoke to me.

Yes, it was partly that it reminded me of Stars Hollow on Gilmore Girls. (The coffee shop is a hipster version of Luke’s, and there’s a Renaissance Fair.)

But the true motivation was deeper. It was about recognizing that this decision would make many of our other dreams possible.

Jonathan and I wanted to slow our frantic pace and recover from care-giving burnout. We wanted to work for ourselves, save money, and have a cat. (Okay, I wanted to have a cat.)

In short, we wanted a different life, and Alabama gave us a real chance at it.

How Far Would You Go?

Have you ever had a moment like that when you realized: Wait a minute, if I do this ONE thing, it will bring all of these other dreams within reach … ?

Maybe it was ending the friendship that was draining you.
Or going on that trip to another country.
Perhaps it was wearing that red dress that you’d hidden away.

Those pivot decisions are powerful … but that doesn’t mean that they’re easy, right? They come with stress and fear and anxiety.

That doesn’t mean the choices are wrong. Sometimes we actually feel the most fear when we move toward something that’s deeply right for us!

As we say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019, here’s my best advice: Feel the fear, and find YOUR Alabama anyway.

Find the one thing that is going to help you get all the other things you want.

Are You Ready to Fight?

Then when you find it, fight for it. Do what it takes to make it happen.

Personally, the ONE thing that has made the biggest difference in living my purpose is investing in great coaching.

Bar none, coaching has made the difference for me – and I’m honored to coach and make a difference for you.

This month, I’ve been welcoming amazing people to Progress On Purpose, my private coaching program that helps you get unstuck, gain motivation and confidence, and do creative work you love.

We’re almost at capacity, and there’s only a little bit of time left.

There are just a few more slots on my calendar for free Clarity Calls – this Friday the 21st is the last day they’re available.

If you are ready to take action and find YOUR Alabama, book now.

Yours with gratitude,

PS – I’ll be back in your inbox in January; until then, have a very happy holiday season and new year! Here’s our family’s holiday card.


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