Guest Post At Momentum Gathering ~ Reflect, Rethink And Cherish: How To Transform Your Time

Hello readers, I'm thrilled to share that this Monday's post is a guest post at Momentum Gathering. It's entitled, "Reflect, Rethink And Cherish:  How To Treasure Your Time." Follow the link to get the goodness! The lovely writer behind Momentum Gathering is Katie Tallo, and her mission is to:  "seek out simple, soulful ways to live, eat, move, create and embrace life." (To which I say, Yes, please!) Momentum Gathering readers, welcome! I'm glad you're here. I encourage you to read the About section to learn more about A Wish Come Clear and its mission. Alternately, simply check out posts...
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Do You Need Permission To Rest? (You Got It.)

Good morning, all, First, a brief update:  I have another post featured on the S-O-S for Parents blog this week; you can read it here. Next, I want to share that the posting schedule at A wish come clear will alter slightly; in the coming weeks, I'll be posting on Mondays and Thursdays. The motivation behind this change is threefold:  first, it reflects reading patterns on the site at present; second, it allows me to maintain the high level of quality content you desire; third, it allows me greater space for freelance work, guest posts and long-term projects. I welcome...
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Overcoming Passive Barriers: Impossibility Vs Possibility

First, a big thank you to readers ~ A Wish Come Clear has a Facebook page & username, thanks to your support! *** I'm a big fan of breaking down barriers. Passive barriers, to be precise. I'd never heard of them until recently. For a brief introduction, I quote from Ramit Sethi, who defines passive barriers like this in his guest post on Get Rich Slowly: "Passive barriers are things that don’t exist, so they make your job harder. A trivial example is not having a stapler at your desk; imagine how many times a day that gets frustrating. For...
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The Art Of Giving And Receiving: How You Can Come Full Circle

Today is a big day for me:  I'm set to have a digital strategy session with Ash Ambirge of The Middle Finger Project. This is my first big investment of time and formal 'coaching', and I'm very excited. A wish come clear is nearly 2 months old, and it's time. The decision to do consulting took me at least a week to think over. First, it meant spending money (I tend to be frugal.) Second, it signified an intent, a commitment to make this site all it can be. Third, it meant asking for help. Can you guess which one...
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What It Takes To Be A Clutterbusting Champ (Saving Your Sanity, Part 2)

This post is the 2nd in a 4-part series on “Saving your sanity.” Subsequent posts will focus on streamlining daily routines and simplifying. (Part 3 will run on Monday.) My posting schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday; subscribe via email (via the box at the top right of this page) to get new posts straight to your inbox! Finally, I'm happy to share that A wish come clear was a featured link on this weeks' 'Simple Living News Update' on RowdyKittens. In case you've not visited Tammy Strobel's fantastic site, here's your chance! *** Have you ever found yourself watching a...
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5 Simplicity DIYs (You’ve Been Too Scared To Try)- Guest Post At

Good morning, all! Today I'm excited to have a guest post -- "Simplicity DIYs (you've been to scared to try)"-- at Courtney Carver's lovely site, Be More with Less:  life on purpose. Thank you, Courtney, for this opportunity! I happily redirect you there to read and get the goodness: 5 simplicity DIYs (you've been too scared to try) I'll note that simplicity isn't a usual 'focus topic' on A wish come clear. However, I believe it goes hand in hand with what I'm writing about here, and I'll likely post more on this topic in the future. Our relationship to...
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5 Simple Ways To Show Love (Today And Everyday)

In my time serving alongside people with disabilities at L'Arche, I've been the glad recipient of a lot of love. Here are a few specific ways of sharing love that stayed with me. May they bring a spark to your day! These are set in the style of 'The 5 love languages': Words of affirmation 1. Tell someone the truth of what they mean to you, or how they inspire you. A well-spoken, heartfelt compliment can feed the soul for weeks. Case in point:  once, when Leo* told me, "Your temperament is all smiles," I was blown away. Leo is...
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“The Opportunity Of Adversity” And How Language Shapes Thought

I'd like to share something that moved me this week, as it connects perfectly with what this site is all about. It's Aimee Mullins' TED talk on, "The opportunity of adversity." I've watched it twice, and her strength just shines through. She knows who she is, and she is beautiful. Aimee Mullins was born without shinbones. Rather than seeing this as something to be 'overcome', the adult Aimee sees her disability as something that shaped her character and gave her strength. She also talks about how one person's affirmation of her strength made a significant impact on her self-perception as...
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How To Get Perspective (And Who Opened My Eyes)

Yesterday I walked into the L’Arche Ontario house with my mind overflowing. I’d been asked to write a book proposal, and the task was daunting. The proposal is, at present, 44 pages long. All published writers who advise would-be authors on the book proposal say two things:  one, it must be perfect (but there are several different formats you can use, and several components that may or may not be optional.) Two, if said proposal is not perfect, you do not have a shot at being published. They finish by saying:  No pressure, though! If you have a good idea...
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‘With No Warning/The Window’ (Loving My Brother, Part 2)

I wrote in the last post that I wanted “a window into [my brother’s] mind and heart.” As I lay down to read before going to sleep last night, I came across a poem by Eamon Grennan, an Irish poet who taught at Vassar. The poem is entitled, “Bat” and it was inspired by the author’s experience of having a bat fly into his home unexpectedly. (It's part of Relations, which you can find here.) Grennan writes about how, when the bat finally escapes (after frantically flitting across the room) the animal is… "showing rightly the likes of us how...
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