2 Guest Posts + 2 New Book Formats = 4 Reasons to Smile

Hello & happy Monday! Today, I'd like to share a few exciting announcements with you. First, I have a new guest post up at MissMinimalist.com! (Longtime readers may remember my first guest post there 2 years ago as well - how time flies!) Miss Minimalist is all about “living a beautiful life with less stuff.” Author Francine Jay is a gracious, articulate writer, and her site is an excellent resource for simplicity-seekers. Today's new post is, Real Life Minimalist Update: Caroline McGraw. Welcome to A Wish Come Clear, readers from Miss Minimalist! Thank you for visiting! I'd like to invite...
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So Much to Celebrate: Thoughts on A Wish Come Clear’s Second Anniversary

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Here's what I'd like to share with you today: 1. A tremendous amount of gratitude. The launch of my new Kindle Single*, I Was a Stranger to Beauty, has been an amazing experience. I'm so thankful to have released this book with ThinkPiece Publishing; Adam Wahlberg and his team have done a phenomenal job. (And remember, sales support a great cause too: 5% of the proceeds from the first 30 days go to L'Arche DC.) And thanks to your support, the Single debuted at #3 in the Special Needs Memoirs and Special Needs Ebooks...
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The Delivery That Changed My Life (And The Book That Could Change Yours)

Last week, I found a small, brown package propped up against the door to our apartment. I didn't have to pick it up to know what it was; in fact, once I did pick it up, I set it carefully on our coffee table and proceeded to ignore it for several hours. (Perhaps ignore doesn't quite capture it. Tiptoe around it like the elephant in the room is much more accurate.) The proof copy of Love's Subversive Stance had arrived, and somehow, I wasn't quite ready to open it. And then, hours later, I was. Slowly, I cut...
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Breaking Free From Failure In 4 Steps

Author's Note:  I have a guest post up at Bloom, a website that focuses on "Parenting kids with disabilities". It's entitled, "An open letter to parents:  on what your children remember." Visits and comments are welcomed! *** Since I last wrote about 'Secrets of Success', I thought today would be a good day to talk about the F-word:  Failure. So let's say you've decided to be vulnerable, to start paying attention to the important things, break free of your perceived constraints and celebrate what is. Fabulous. I'm right there with you. But what happens when things don't go as planned?...
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How To Get Perspective (And Who Opened My Eyes)

Yesterday I walked into the L’Arche Ontario house with my mind overflowing. I’d been asked to write a book proposal, and the task was daunting. The proposal is, at present, 44 pages long. All published writers who advise would-be authors on the book proposal say two things:  one, it must be perfect (but there are several different formats you can use, and several components that may or may not be optional.) Two, if said proposal is not perfect, you do not have a shot at being published. They finish by saying:  No pressure, though! If you have a good idea...
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