The One Song that Changes Everything

Early in my life, I noticed a pattern. Whenever I’d meet older adults, those in my parents’ demographic, our interactions would follow a predictable course. We’d exchange names, and then I’d look down, both because I was shy and because I knew what was coming next. They would start singing. …
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10 Life Lessons From 1 Wonderful Mom

Welcome to the Special Sunday Edition of A Wish Come Clear! In honor of Mother's Day (and in lieu of my usual Monday post), I'd like to share with you 10 things my Mom taught me, through her words and her actions. Each line includes a link to a post that's moved me this week. 10 Life Lessons From 1 Wonderful Mom: 1. Wherever you're going, take snacks. (In other words, feed yourself.) 2. Give freely, and go beyond what's expected. 3. Always bring a gift if you'll be staying at someone else's house. Corollary:  Don't arrive empty-handed to a...
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